Chase away your troubles
An environmentally friendly and humane form of geese control to give you back the property you love.
Canadian Geese
Canadian geese are a problem for property owners for a variety of reasons. Primarily the fecal matter they leave behind can be damaging to not only lawns but bodies of water/water supplies as well. Other methods of removing or preventing geese on your property can be difficult with little results, at Central K9 we provided tried and true humane methods of goose removal and prevention.

Our Dogs

Hazing is an environmentally friendly and humane way to keep your property free of geese. All of our border collies have a solid foundation of herding which is used to chase geese off of your property safely. The consistent use of our dogs patrolling your grounds will ensure the geese do not feel safe enough to return.
Contact Us
We provide free quotes and demonstrations of our services

Meet the team!
Kevin and Jessica Edgerly have been in the dog world for over 20 years. With Jessica training award winning dogs and Kevin handling them on site, they make the perfect team.